How to read your electricity or gas meter

It's not always obvious how to read your electricity or gas meter. This guide has been written to help you.

Providing regular meter readings will ensure your bill is accurate and based on the energy you’ve used.

Meters are usually found just inside your front door or under the stairs. Gas meters may be outside – triangular keys to access the box can be purchased from most DIY shops.

When reading your meter, always read left to right and when in doubt give the lower figure.

If you rent your property and don’t know where the meters are, please ask the owner of the property.

If you think your meter is inaccurate or unsafe, contact us. Most meters should have a 10-25 year life span, and we’re responsible for visual checks during meter reads every 2-3 years.

Electricity meters

Single rate meter

Analogue electricity meter displaying numbers 07250 with the final digit, furthest right, half obscured in red.

Write down the five numbers shown from left to right. Ignore the last number which may be shown in red.

This reading would be 07250.

Single rate 6-digit meter

Digital electricity meter displaying numbers 065834.

This reading would be 065834.

Two rate meter (analogue)

Analogue electricity meter displaying two rows of numbers stacked atop of one and other. The final digit, furthest right, half obscured.

For top and bottom rows, write down the numbers shown left to right. Ignore the last numbers which may be shown in red.

56314 is the ‘low’ reading.

76257 is the ‘normal’ reading.

Two rate meter (digital)

Digital electricity meter displaying numbers 073895 and a button with the words cycle display below.

To take all available readings, keep pressing the ‘cycle display’ button.

This reading would be 073895.

Electricity dial meter

5 circular analogue dials, each with a hand pointing to a different number. Beneath this, there's another smaller dial and a message saying to ignore it

Read the first five dials from left to right, ignoring the dial marked 1/10.

Write down the number that the pointer has just passed – use the lower of the two numbers either side of the pointer. If the pointer is between 9 and 0 write down 9.

Please be aware that each dial turns in the opposite direction to the one before it, so check which way each turns.

This reading would be 32561.

Gas meters

Metric meter

Digital gas meter display showing numbers 00267 in black. Lighter shaded digits can be seen after a decimal place, these read 018.

Write down the five numbers shown from left to right. Ignore the numbers after the decimal point which may be shown in red.

This reading would be 00267.

Imperial meter

Analogue gas meter showing 4 numbers (2594) in white on a black background. To the right, 2 smaller numbers are shown in red.

Write down the four numbers shown from left to right. Ignore the numbers shown in red.

This reading would be 2594.

What next?

If you have a smart meter, find out more about smart metering with us.

You can submit your meter readings now

To send us your meter readings using your secure online account, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your online account using your email address and password.
  2. Select ‘Submit a meter reading’.
  3. Enter your read information.
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