Warm Home Discount
The Warm Home Discount is a one-off annual payment of £140 (including VAT) to help customers who are struggling to pay their electricity bills.
Applications for the 2021/2022 Warm Home Discount scheme are now open.
Am I eligible for the Warm Home Discount?
There are two ways you can qualify for the scheme:
The Core group
If on 4 July you’re a Bristol Energy customer and are receiving the ‘guarantee element of Pension Credit’, you are part of the Core group and as such will qualify automatically. So, you don’t need to apply.
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) will send you a letter letting you know that you qualify. Bristol Energy will then apply your 2021/2022 rebate to your electricity account between October 2021 and March 2022.
These letters will be sent out on the week starting 8 October 2021.
If you don’t receive a letter from DWP between October and December 2021, or if you’re not sure if you qualify as part of the core group, please call the DWP’s Warm Home Discount helpline on 0800 731 0214, any time between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. Have your electricity bill to hand as they’ll ask you to confirm the bill payer’s name and account number.
You can find out more about the Core group on the DWP website.
The Broader group
To receive the Warm Home Discount as part of the Broader group for 2021/2022, you will need to apply.
Before checking if you're eligible to apply for the Warm Home Discount as part of the Broader group, make sure you've checked that you don't qualify in the Core group. There's no need to apply if you're in the Core group.
We’ll contact you to let you know when our application process opens in September 2021.
Do note though that the number of broader group rebates is limited each year and they’ll be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Our eligibility criteria
You are eligible for the Warm Home Discount if at least one point from Part A and one from Part B applies to you or your partner.
Part A
- you receive the Savings Element of Pension Credit only
- you receive Income-based or Contribution-based Job Seeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- you receive Income-related or Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- you receive Income Support (IS)
- you receive universal credit (UC)
- your total annual household income is £16,190 or less (before tax and National Insurance deductions)
- you receive Child Tax Credit where the award statement shows a total annual household income of £16,190 or less
Part B
- you’re a parent responsible for a child aged 16 or younger who lives with you and is in full-time education
- you receive a disabled child premium
- you receive a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
- you receive a pensioner premium, higher pensioner premium or enhanced pensioner premium
- you receive the limited capability for work element of Universal Credit
- you receive a work-related activity or support element as part of your income-related employment and support allowance
- Yyou receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance (AA) or Personal Independence Allowance (PIP)
- you receive a state pension
- you have a current maternity exemption certificate (MATEX)
- you have a current medical exemption certificate (MEDEX)
- you receive a housing payment as part of your Universal Credit
How do I apply for the Warm Home Discount?
To apply, simply complete our application form and we'll contact you to let you know the result of your application.
If you don’t have access to the internet you can call us on 0333 344 8146 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, and we’ll process your application over the phone. Because there is a limit on the number of rebates we can offer this number is only available until 5pm on Friday 29 October, and may close earlier if we receive enough applications.
When will I be paid?
If you’re eligible, you’ll receive your payment of £140 (including VAT) no later than 31 March 2022. We’ll write to you to let you know. If you have a prepayment meter, we’ll send you a voucher to take to the Post Office. For everyone else, you’ll see a Warm Home Discount credit on your electricity bill or statement.
I’m not a Bristol Energy Customer; can I still apply for the Broader group scheme?
You do need to be a Bristol Energy customer to apply for the Broader group scheme with us. If you’re not currently a customer, but you are eligible for the scheme, you can switch your energy to us and apply (if the scheme is still open). If you’re thinking of switching to us to benefit from the scheme, please remember there are a limited number of rebates each year and these are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
I’m part of the Core Group but moved to you after 4th July 2021 - will I still receive my £140 credit from Bristol Energy?
You’ll need to contact your previous supplier as, providing they are taking part in the scheme, they are obliged to provide you with the rebate even though you are no longer a customer.
When will I find out if my application is successful?
We’ll be in touch to let you know within 4 weeks of your application.
Why might I have to send supporting documents?
Ofgem, energy regulator, has asked us to collate proof of eligibility for the Broader group. This is to ensure we’re helping the right people. To do this we select a random sample of applications.
If your application is selected our partner company, Charis Grants, will contact you by email or letter to explain what’s needed and how to provide it. It’s important that you respond to otherwise we won’t be able to pay you.
What if I change supplier?
The Warm Home Discount Scheme is run by your electricity supplier. However, not all suppliers participate in the scheme.
So, if you do move house or switch to another supplier, check that your new supplier offers the scheme and their eligibility criteria. Eligibility varies between suppliers and it’s important to us that you don’t lose out.
What happens if I move home?
If you’re a current customer make sure you let us know you’re moving. If you stay with us after you’ve moved, and you’ve already been approved for this year, you should still get the discount.
Will I stop getting any other help with my winter fuel bills?
The Warm Home Discount will not affect any Winter Fuel Payment or Cold Weather Payments you may get.
You can visit the Cold Weather Payment and Winter Fuel Payment pages on the DWP website to find out more about these schemes.