Smart meter troubleshooting

Do I need Wi-Fi for a smart meter?

No. You don't need WiFi and your smart meter won’t affect any existing WiFi connection in your home.

Smart meters use their own secure network – which runs on radio waves like mobile phones or TVs.

Can I get a smart meter if I’m in a rental property?

  • If your name’s on the bill then there are certain things you’re allowed to do with your energy supply, including: changing your supplier, your tariff or your meter
  • However, we recommend checking with your landlord and/or letting agent first to avoid any potential problems
  • Because smart meters are an energy efficiency measure, your landlord will most likely see this as a benefit rather than issue

Will my tariff change if I get a smart meter?

  • No. The tariff you’re on will stay the same. This means the same price in pence per unit of energy (or unit rate) and same fixed or standing charges as when you signed up to us
  • It does mean that you could save money by monitoring your usage more effectively
  • We recommend keeping an eye on our website to ensure you’re getting the best value tariff.

You've contacted me about my meter being replaced with a smart meter but I don’t want one - can I have a normal meter instead?

  • You don't have to accept a smart meter, but in certain circumstances we may need to replace your meter anyway if it’s reached the end of its lifespan
  • If we contacted you by letter to let you know your current meter has reached the end of its lifespan then we'll need to replace it in line with government legislation
  • When a meter is installed it has a certain lifespan and, by law, after a period of time (this can be anything from 10-25 years) that meter needs to be changed
  • The reason meters need to be changed is because after a certain time we can't guarantee they're functioning accurately and safely. This means we can't say the meter readings we're getting are correct
  • The energy industry is moving towards smart meters because of the money-saving and environmental benefits they’ll bring.

I booked a smart meter installation appointment but they never arrived

If your installation engineer didn’t turn up to your appointment, then you’ll most likely be eligible for £30 compensation as part of the Government protection for energy customers called Guaranteed Standards of Service .

What should I do if my in-home display is broken or lost?

If we gave you an in-home display when we installed a smart meter, then we'll replace for free if it stops working within 1 year of install. After 1 year, we may charge you for a replacement if you need one. Please contact our customer care team if you need to organise a replacement.

What should I do if my smart meter is faulty?

If your meter is faulty, please contact us to explain what you think the issue is. We can arrange for your meter to be tested for accuracy, and can fix some issues remotely. If we agree that your meter is faulty we’ll replace it free of charge.

I want my smart meter removed and replaced with a traditional meter

Unfortunately, won’t be able to remove your smart meter without passing on the cost to you. Depending on the age of your meter, this can be up to £300 per meter based on the costs that we will incur.

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