The fight against fuel poverty

Woman in kitchen in fuel poverty

It's estimated that 4 million people live in fuel poverty in the UK.1 Every winter, they’re faced with the choice between heating their homes and eating a cooked meal.


In Bristol the problem is severe, affecting around 25,000 households (that’s more than 1 in 8 households).2

At Bristol Energy, we believe that no one should have to suffer a cold home. We already offer the fairest energy prices we can, but cheaper energy bills is just one solution. That’s why we work with local charities and partners like the Centre for Sustainable Energy, to find new ways to tackle this growing problem.


Want to help us tackle fuel poverty? Get in touch with our Policy and Strategy Manager, Laura Penny 


What is Fuel Poverty?

A household is said to be fuel poor when its members cannot afford to keep adequately warm at a reasonable cost, given their income.

Households are considered to be in fuel poverty when:

  • They have required fuel costs that are above average (the national median level)
  • Were they to spend that amount, they would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line.3



Visit turn2us for more information on fuel poverty.


Why does Fuel Poverty happen?

Fuel Poverty is caused by:

  • low income
  • high energy prices
  • energy inefficient housing

Fuel poverty is distinct from general poverty and is an incredibly complex issue. The effects it can have on households and standard of living are devastating.


The health impact of Fuel Poverty

Fuel poverty is a known and recognised risk factor for health. Living in a cold home can cause or exacerbate mental and physical health problems, particularly cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, stress and anxiety.

Fuel poverty can also create social isolation. Those living in fuel poverty are less inclined to invite others into their home.

Nationally, cold homes contribute to 9,600 premature deaths every winter, or 80 people per day.4

The NEA also estimates that cold homes cost the NHS £3.6m per day.5


Fuel poverty in Bristol

In Bristol and the surrounding counties (Banes, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire) half a million households are estimated to be living in fuel poverty.6

13.2% of households in Bristol are thought to be in fuel poverty, above the national average of 9.8%.7


What is Bristol Energy doing to tackle Fuel Poverty?

Bristol Energy was set up to help and support energy-vulnerable households within the city, and we were one of the first suppliers to volunteer to offer the Warm Home Discount

Find out more about our mission to be a force for social good.

Recently, we established the 'No Cold Homes' initiative to help tackle fuel poverty in Bristol. Led by Mayor Marvin Rees, the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Bristol Energy and Western Power Distribution, the launch event brought together charities, organisations, business leaders and influencers from across the city to share knowledge and develop an action plan for collaborative work   


How to help take action against Fuel Poverty

If your organisation would like to work with us to help tackle fuel poverty, please get in touch with our Policy and Strategy Manager, Laura Penny.

Bristol Energy is dedicated to helping the most vulnerable people in society, so join us today to save money on your gas and electricity while helping to put a stop to fuel poverty.


Are you affected by Fuel Poverty?

Find out how we can help, if you’re worried you can’t pay a bill.

Read our energy saving tips to help keep your bills down.


Find out more:






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