We were set up by Bristol City Council to create a sustainable energy company with social value at its heart. One which looks to alleviate fuel poverty, whilst helping Bristol reach its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
We’re incredibly excited to have reached 100,000 customers. Each and every one of them is helping us create a truly sustainable city. Choosing a supplier that invests in communities and clean energy is becoming increasingly important to people. We’re delighted that we can give people that choice.
- Marek Majewicz, Managing Director, Bristol Energy
We will be instrumental in the implementation of the council’s One City plan that aims to transition Bristol to a smart low-carbon city. The changes proposed look to bring benefits to the community that will be felt by all; environmentally, socially and economically.
Environmental justice and social justice are intrinsically linked because the issues of an unfair energy system will always hit people in deprivation harder. We need to build inclusion and engagement into our energy projects to take the whole city on our journey to carbon neutrality.
- James Sterling, Communications, Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Bristol City Council.
Making a difference in our city
We've achieved a number of key milestones since opening our doors back in 2015.
We've put £12million of social value back into Bristol; through carbon reduction schemes, volunteering, local employment and wellbeing initiatives.
We have also have forged a number of important partnerships to find solutions to the city’s fuel poverty problem, including:
By coming together as a city, we can start to collectively tackle some of these difficult social issues. My message to Bristol is; this is your energy company, join our growing community and be a part of the change.
- Marek Majewicz
Read about our other achivements in 2018/2019
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