A force for social good

older couple in Bristol

We were set up to be a force for social good. But what does that mean? For us it’s simple:

Our energy can make a positive difference

By joining us you’re helping Bristol to tackle social and environmental challenges such as fuel poverty and climate change. So far, we have put £12,000,000 of social value back in to our founding city.

You deserve to be treated fairly

People have been overpaying for their energy for far too long. We think people deserve better. If we make a saving on the energy we buy, we pass this on to our customers. Fair, transparent, simple. 

Find out more about our energy tariffs.

Everyone has the right to a warm home 

Fuel poverty is a serious issue both in Bristol and nationwide. We’re working with expert partners to find the very best ways to support those struggling to pay their fuel bills. 

In 2016, we volunteered to offer the Warm Homes Discount – making us one of only three smaller energy companies that volunteered to do this.

Helping communities to thrive

We support local charities too. Caring in Bristol was our first partner, a charity that supports homeless people across the city.

Go green and give back

We’re on a journey to becoming a lower carbon, wholly green energy supplier. So, we only offer green electricity tariffs and lower carbon gas. Join us on our journey.

Join us, and use your energy to make a positive difference.

Get your no obligation, personalised quote.

Or call us free on
0808 189 4072